
D.I. Support for Fairy Creek

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D.I. Support for Fairy Creek is a sub-group of Planting & Protecting Trees for the Future  (PPT4F) – a committee with the Denman Island Climate Action Network. PPT4F shares action prompts and related information frequently on social media. This inaugural newsletter from our Fairy Creek support group has been created, by request, for the benefit of those interested in the ongoing blockade actions who may or may not follow Facebook.
Below you’ll find Denman fundraising initiatives, action alerts and a very small sampling of recent articles and other relevant links (in no way intended to represent a comprehensive overview of all the related materials out there!)
Please scroll down to the very bottom for our latest PPT4F interview with retired forester and first Comox Valley arrestee, Frank HovendenNOTE: your email server may prompt a click part way down the page to expand viewing so that you can see the truncated newsletter in its entirety on your screen.
Folks are traveling back and forth regularly to the frontlines from the Comox Valley (including from Denman and Hornby) to bear witness, deliver supplies, offer camp support and to risk or choose arrest. It is highly recommended that everyone planning on going see www.laststandforforests.com for important details.
Planning a local action you want to get the word out about? Have questions about how to help?  For example, we can let you know what supplies are needed on the frontlines if you aren’t on Facebook (these requests change daily). Feel free to get in touch! 335-1209
Folks are definitely needed at the blockades… but there are a variety of ways local Islanders can support the peaceful movement to defend southern Vancouver Island’s last remaining old growth even if you can’t get there.
Local fundraising efforts include a new bin at the Denman Island Bottle depot, and an upcoming concert scheduled for JULY 11th.
Daily phone calls to elected officials, petition sharing and letter writing continue to be so important (please note URGENT action request first up, below, and letter writing cafe on JULY 4th.)


Please take a few minutes to call the numbers below to demand that the RCMP stand down from enforcing the injunction during this heat wave!

Wherever you can get through, ask for a callback on unsafe work practices happening within the RCMP enforcement of the injunction.
Sgt. Chris Manseau   Division Media Relations Officer
Desk: 778-290-3791
Cellular: 250-413-7954
Mike Farnworth  – Minister of Public Safety
250- 356- 2178
Sgt. Janelle Shoihet  – Media Relations Officer
Cole Brewer  – with  DLT Division RCMP
DETAILS: Forest defenders are under extreme duress during this heat wave. Courageous folks on the frontline are locked down to various blockade infrastructure right now during this extremely hot afternoon. Their bodies are literally the only things keeping the RCMP from reaching Ridge camp and escorting industry up to imminently start building a road into the Fairy Creek watershed and logging a large block of old growth which is just outside the deferral area.

RCMP have been denying and/or arresting support people for the people locked down, which makes arrestees extremely vulnerable to dehydration/ heatstroke. They have been arresting legal observers. Media has been prevented from being onsite today (June 26) at Waterfall/2000 area. A 911 call brought an ambulance up to check on the wellbeing of land defenders but was denied entry beyond the RCMP exclusion checkpoint. Shame!BC public health officer is calling Chris Manseau to ask on humanitarian grounds to consider taking a time off from arrests and allowing all parties to do what is recommended – shade, water, rest.

    –info and photo via Magdelene Louisa Joly on the frontlines


Dragon Songs – a Rock Opera, takes
place at 3333 North Central Rd at 2 pm (matinee) and 7 pm (adult show).
Tickets for this outdoor performance are by donation!
RSVP Robin @
All proceeds to the frontlines!


PPT4F has established a bin at the D. I. Bottle Depot where islanders can donate their refundables in support of legal defense for arrestees! Look for the bin with this sign:
PPT4F – Fairy Cree
Of course you can also DONATE DIRECTLY to the RAINFOREST FLYING SQUAD (www.laststandforforests.com) their GoFundMe page right HERE.
PPT4F interview with Courtenay’s Frank Hovenden, retired forester and arrestee
Retired forester and avid conservationist Frank Hovenden chose to get arrested on May 27th, 2021 as an act of civil disobedience in defence of Vancouver Island’s threatened old growth forest ecosystems. His background in the industry provides a unique perspective on the urgency to protect what little remains of these ancient trees.