
Displaced on the frontlines of the climate emergency, UNHCR

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From the Sahel to Central America, climate change is driving displacement and increasing the vulnerability of those already forced to flee.

The climate emergency is the defining crisis of our time and displacement is one of its most devastating consequences. Entire populations are already suffering the impacts, but vulnerable people living in some of the most fragile and conflict-affected countries are disproportionately affected.

Over the past decade, weather-related events triggered an average of 21.5 million new displacements* each year – more than twice as many as displacements caused by conflict and violence.

*”New displacements” refers to the number of movements. One individual could be forced to move more than once, with each movement counting as one new displacement. 

Most people displaced by disasters remain within their home countries, often living in areas highly exposed to weather-related hazards, such as floods and storms. Some of them are unable to return home becoming internally displaced people, while a smaller number seek safety in other countries and may be in need of international protection.

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