
Earth Week 2021 Videos

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Planting and Protecting Trees for the Future

This Planting & Protecting Trees for the Future (PPT4F) Zoom webinar presentation took place on Mon., April 19th, 2021 as part of Denman Island Climate Action Network’s Earth Day/week events. You can follow PPT4F on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PPT4F There is a brief introduction by the event co-host to Planting & Protecting Trees for the Future, which is not only the title of the event but one of Denman Island’s climate action committees. You can fast forward to any of our featured presenters: Jens Wieting – Sierra Club BC (4.44 minute mark), Charotte Dawe – Wilderness Committee (19.3 minute mark), Shauna Doll – Raincoast Conservation Foundation (42.05 minute mark), Rebecca Benjamin-Carey – Conservancy Hornby Island (52.31 minute mark), Patti Willis- Denman Conservancy Association (59.46) minute mark). Denman Island is located in unceded territory of the K’omoks First Nation and shared territories of the Kwakwaka’wakw and Coast Salish peoples on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada.

Getting to Zero Waste
Passcode for Video: ?4Kj@8LA


Webinar on Retrofits
Passcode for Video: U!c=&z7H